Tuesday, October 18, 2005

You might not have realised how easy the world has become but you still find the complexity in it. When was the last time you went to cash machine and pulled out some money? Did you ever try to think how far we have gone with the technology? Did you try to think how much complexity was hidden behind it or even how much secure or insecure you felt?

My first estimation is "MONEY WILL EVENTUALLY DISAPPEAR". Yes, there wont be such thing as money as in the future. You might have not have realised but can you remember the last time when you paid cash for your shopping which was more than £50? Yes, not all but most of you might have taken out your bank card and hand it to cashier to swipe the card through their transaction machine, you then typed in some magic numbers (pin numbers) and the transaction was made. So what I am trying to say is, you won't be paying by money for your shopping or anything you want to pay for. What you will be using is your amount of digital numbers from your bank account. The money you have in your bank account will be simply nothing but will be just digit. You should have realised by now that, you dont see any cash when you get paid from you work. Apart from some cash in hand restaurant, almost everywhere you will be paid by bank trasfer. What company do is they simply deduct the amount of digit from their account and transfer that amount to your account, by in process you dont see anything called money. Therefore money will be just numbers which get transfered without you being able to see virtually. So when you do shopping, you will most probably pay by card and what it is doing is transferring those numbers to Shopping centre's account. So all its happening is transfers of numbers from one account to another. Technology will be rocketing so much high in the sky that, even to pay for things worth a penny u will be using some kind of device, not necessarily card. So as you can see coins and notes will be eventually disappeared for the sake of convinience and money will be just the digits in your bank account.

The other estimation i thought of was "Human Body part a an security device".


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